Significant improvement of working conditions, improvement of air quality, reduction of energy consumption and hence CO2 emissions are the most important effects of our latest investment in Lumel Alucast. Investment in highly efficient filtration system, installed on 4 Buhler die-casting machines.
Modern filtration technology allows us to improve the air quality by as much as 80%, reducing from the air such contaminations as fumes, oily mists and aerosols, resulting from die-casting process.
The cost of investment amounted to 1 million polish zlotych.
Lumel Alucast foundry specializes in manufacturing of precise pressure die-castings for automotive, industrial automation and HVAC branches.
6.5 million castings were sold to our customers in last year alone.
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ul. Słubicka 1
65-127 Zielona Góra | Poland
(+48 68) 45 75 100

Lumel Alucast Sp. z o.o.

Bank account: ING Bank Śląski S.A.
PL77 1050 1520 1000 0024 1732 7711 (EUR)
PL76 1050 1520 1000 0024 1732 7729 (USD)

Registered in District Court in Zielona Góra, VIII Economic Department
of Domestic Court Register under No. KRS 0000381491
NIP 527-265-14-70
Initial capital: 5 916 600 PLN
© 2021 | Copyright by LUMEL ALUCAST Sp. z o.o.